Thursday, November 30, 2006


It is late afternoon in November and the sun is setting, las sombras de los árboles se estiran por la tierra y me tocan suavamente. I lean against this delicate tree near our brook and wonder about so many things. Está terminando el día, pronto vendrá la noche, primero el crepúsculo, first the dusk sneaks its way into my world and then de repente Night falls y empiezo mi vida de noche, subo la calefacción, prendo las luces, check my email, I slow down, search for warmth in the words of mis amigos o mi familia. A phone call from my daughter, a hug from Teddy and life moves on in its never-ending circle.

¿Adónde van los días? Parecen derretirse en la nada, se va el sol o la Tierra se da la vuelta más bien, y la noche permanece un buen rato. The yin and yang of this Universe is ever-present, seems to be carrying me along with it and I do what I think I must, waking up to the day and sleeping through the night. Dusk is the hardest part for me, Night falls, yes, it's not kidding, it's not subtle, I turn around and everything is black, yet the sunrise creeps slowly....or so it seems, and is anything what it seems? Hay que aceptar todo como es. Me encanta el verano con sus días largos, pero tengo que aceptar el otoño con sus días cortitos y sus noches de repente, you cannot linger this time of year, savor the day while it is here, enjoy its quick afternoon light and let it soothe you while it can, for the night will envelope you with its oscuridad total and it will be earlier than you think, but still you must fill your time before going to bed.

Have you ever awakened at two or three o'clock in the morning and looked out at the stars? They are three times brighter than normal and the sky looks magical. Parece un sueño y son diamantes suspendidos en el cielo oscuro. Is it my imagination? Todos aquellos soles iluminando otros planetas girando en nuestro universo, o a lo mejor son las joyas de las diosas del cielo, los destellos, the way the ancient peoples thought about the heavens. Who knows? Does it matter really? Para mí, me da lo mismo.

So I dance in the morning and meditate at night and the earth carries me and keeps me circling in its whirling, swirling patterns.

Soy Lorena

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