Tuesday, November 21, 2006

¿Cómo amaneciste?

In English we say, "How did you sleep?" En castellano se dice "¿Cómo amaneciste?" o How did you wake up? But since el amanecer is the dawn, I think of this phrase as literally How did you dawn? Think about it. How did you sleep? What's the real answer to that question? How did I do something....hmmm, how did I sleep? Well, I put on my pajamas, lay down on my bed, closed my eyes and the next thing I knew it was morning. Isn't that how I sleep?

On the other hand, How did I dawn, or How did I wake up? Lista para enfrentar el día...
o descansada, o con ganas de levantarme a salir para hacer los ejercicios, o deseando una taza de té o mil y un sentimientos. We say the day dawns, but maybe we can dawn as well and perhaps that's a better way to greet the new day. How did you dawn? I like that.

This morning was the coldest morning so far this season, 24 degrees F. o -4 Centigrados. Había escarcha por todos lados afuera. La foto que saqué es del laberinto con escarcha, pero tal vez no se note mucho en la foto. Pero sí, el pasto no está verde, sino blanco. Me puse mi gorro, los guantes y una chamarra bien caliente y anduve un buen rato inhalando el aire escarchado y fresco.

Cada día hay algo distinto, una sorpresa del Universo, cada momento es distino.

Billie Jean King (the tennis champion) once said that the ball never crosses the net the same way twice.

Nothing every happens the same way twice. And for me, that's what makes life interesting.

Soy Lorena

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