Sunday, November 12, 2006

Epitafio para un poeta

Un poema por Octavio Paz, el poeta mexicano.

Quiso cantar, cantar
para olvidar
su vida verdadera de mentiras
y recordar
su mentirosa vida de verdades.

Me encanta este poema. I love this poem. I'd like to try
to put it into English....let's see.

He wanted to sing, to sing
in order to forget
his real life of lies
and remember his lying life of truths.

Someone tell me if the English says it the way
Paz meant it.

Anyway, it rained today, a large part of the day and there was flooding
as we drove into Boston to see a play.
I think of movies as an escape, but of theatre as being slapped in the face with the real world.
Theatre doesn't let you off the hook, el Teatro te dice Mírame, mírate a ti, mira la vida, aprende de tus errores, enfrenta la Verdad...Face the Truth with a Capital T.

The play was Rabbit Hole. I highly recommend it, the acting was superb, the message deep and tragic...we cried. For me it is so satisfying to experience great theatre. One of my strengths is Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. Encontré esto porque tomé la prueba de la Felicidad, the Happiness test. I'll have to look up the website and post it here.

La Felicidad....¿Por qué se dice "soy feliz?" Were you happy today? Did Happiness touch your life, o sea, te diste cuenta que la Felicidad te tocaba? Aunque pasan cosas tristes, todavía existe la felicidad.

Les mando mucha felicidad, I wish you much happiness.

Soy Lorena

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