Tuesday, November 14, 2006

La Música

La música me corre por las venas. Tengo ganas de componer otra canción
pero no tengo la letra. I need the lyrics to create a song. Once I have the words
the music flows like a waterfall, una cascada, and quickly
I go to the piano and let it happen, watch it happen.

Mi Musa ha estado un poco callado últimamente, pero hay que tener paciencia; Patience is a Virtue.

This morning I went outside for my morning exercise.
It was drizzling, lloviznando, había neblina, pero bailé
de todos modos en la lluvia....dancing in the rain, the stream
was rushing ahead full force and filling up our occasional pond.
No ducks, no frogs to hear, the trees are bare now, but this
is the first Fall I have been so present, aware of each day,
truly experiencing this season as much as I experience summer.
Wow. Being in the moment is a really wonderfull place to be.
El momento, este momento y este, y este y este...........etc. La verdad,
es profundo, ¿cuándo tenemos el cuerpo y la mente en el mismo lugar al
mismo tiempo? No es fácil.
This morning I dreamed I was going skiing with people who ski a lot.
I have never been skiing. I saw this dream as a reflection of the rehearsal
I had last night with experienced singers, while I am a novice in this area.
Okay, so it's time to stretch. It's all about one's experience and training. They
have had training...I have not, well, just a little. I have started singing lessons
at this stage in my life and it's really quite exciting. ¡Qué emoción! Me encanta
aprender algo nuevo.
Hay que aprender cosas nuevas. Es lindo, te llena de vida.

Here's to learning something new. ;)

Soy Lorena

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