Saturday, November 25, 2006

Where does Time exist?

I keep reading here and there that we create time, that there is no time in the Universe, that it is an invention of Man, del Hombre, entonces, ¿Dónde, exactamente, existe el tiempo? ¿En mi cabeza? Sé que no sé dónde existe el ciberespacio. Prendo mi computadora y allí está. La apago y se va.......pero ¿adónde? Se me hace que el ciberespacio es infinito. I get the feeling that cyberspace is infinite, like the Universe. How does that happen?

Have you watched the sun as it is setting? If I don't notice it, the sun seems to be just hanging out there in the sky for a long time, but If I focus my attention on it, wow, it's moving and fast, too. Me encanta mirar la puesta del sol sobre el mar. I love the way it "sinks" into the ocean.

So, where is yesterday? Where is tomorrow? ¿Dónde está el Ahora? Se dice que nada más tenemos este momento. Be in the present it right here wherever you are? Is my present moment the same as your present moment? What about our opinions and experiences? How do they shape what we see and feel in each present moment? Se puede volver loco pensando en estas preguntas. A lo mejor no hay respuestas. Pero me doy cuenta que si me pongo a contemplar estas preguntas llego a saber un poco, bueno, un poquito más de mí y del Universo dónde vivo. Por lo menos dejo de pensar en tonterías, o en el pasado, o en cosas que no me sirven para nada. The Power of Now por Eckhart Tolle dice "Accept what is. The moment that judgment stops through acceptance of what is you are free of the mind."
Maybe Time exists only in the mind. If that's true, then there is a way to be free of it. At this point in time, I'm not sure how to do that......oh, well, maybe next time I'll figure it out. :)

I think Spanish is a little more exact when it comes to using the word "time." We say, "What time is it? they say "¿Qué hora es?" What's the hour? We say "time and time again." They say "Una y otra vez." "Lots of times.......muchas veces." But we agree on this: "I don't have time. No tengo tiempo." Pero, de verdad, ¿tenemos tiempo o no tenemos tiempo? Do we have Time or does Time have us? Are we merely slaves to Time? Why are we all rushing around these days when our parents' generation "took their time?" How did all these machines to help us live better and easier lives find us with less time to do the fun things we want to do? Well, that's another story for another day.

Have a good time with your day. Que lo pases bien.

Soy Lorena

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