Wednesday, December 6, 2006

How about a good book?

So today I realized I'm not reading a book, I finished the last book or books I was reading, Dos Mujeres en Praga, and The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman (The Flat book I highly recommend) y ahora estoy sin libro, ay, ay ay, ¿qué voy a hacer? Traté de leer el libro por ex-presidente Clinton, pero francamente no me interesaba tanto, ahí está en mi estante, esperando no sé qué, there are books I can read right here in the house, books I bought thinking I would be compelled to read them because they provide knowledge of current affairs, pero me doy cuenta que no quiero saber de la política actual o más bien de todo lo que no funciona en este país o lo que funciona mal. To be quite honest I'm sick of the bad stuff, I want to read about the good stuff that's happening in the world, and I know there is good stuff happening. We just don't hear about it. ¿Por qué no?

Hay gente en el mundo que no riñe con otra gente, hay gente que no mata a otra gente, hay gente que no roba a otra gente. There are people who save other people's lives, people who help other people out when they need it, people who give to those in need. ¿No es interesante saber de estas noticias buenas? Hay gente que no tienen accidentes, que llegan sanos y salvos a dondequieran llegar. Why don't we care about this news? What does it say about Humanity that we only read about the robberies, the murders, the accidents and the natural disasters? Why is conflict so fascinating? Simplemente pregunto, no tengo respuestas, pero sé que me siento mucho mejor cuando no estoy pensando en todo lo malo del mundo. I guess what I'm saying is I can choose to see the good stuff and if I focus on more good stuff, maybe more good stuff will happen......the law of attraction. What do I want to bring into my life? ¿Qué quiero tener en mi vida? I want joy and love and beauty and friendship and connection with the Universe around me y palabras sabias que saben diferenciar entre el bueno y el malo y cosas por el estilo y música y honestidad y la luz de la luna que siempre me da tanto amor y la fuerza del sol. ¿Es mucho? Do I ask for too much? I'm not asking for the moon....oh, yes, actually, I am asking for the moon, but that's okay because I already have the moon, sí, la luna es mía y tuya y tuya y infinitum.

Et voila, there you have it, my ramblings for today. So, what book should I read that will give me all the good stuff I long for? Any ideas? Anyone? I'm open to suggestions.

I read some poetry this morning, but now the book has disappeared. Walt Whitman, Emily Dickenson, Robert Bly..................hmmmmmm. Silvio Rodriguez.

Soy Lorena.

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