Friday, January 12, 2007

I have arrived!

No longer on the verge, I am en camino, siguiendo mi sendero. I have arrived. I am back again, regrese a la Tierra del Sol, a la tierra de mi Sol, que me da calor, de mi Sol que me da apoyo, de mi Sol que me da la creatividad, de mi Sol que quiero tanto.

Ah, Mexico, todo es distinto, la energia, la gente, el aire. I feel I have come home again, back to the place I love. This visit will be different, lleno de esperanza, de misterio, every day I will be moving into the unknown and the unexpected. I will take the journey and I will let the journey take me and surrender to it, each and every day, each and every night, each and every moment. I will breathe in whatever this journey has to teach me. I will absorb its lessons and send them out again como olas en el oceano.

Pise la arena, camine en la orilla del mar, mojandome los pies en el agua salada and this grounded me and healed my anxious mind.

Ah, Mexico, mi Tierra linda, mi amor, mi vida y mi esperanza.

Soy Lorena

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