Monday, January 29, 2007

Holbox-el Norte

It is what it is--es lo que es--cada dia, cada momento. Llego´el Norte ayer y la marea subio´muchi´simo, tapando casi toda la playa donde caminamos creando un charco tremendo en frente del hotel y tuvimos que refugiarnos alla´despues de la puesta del sol y de sacar unas fotos de ella.

Soplo´un viento violento toda la noche y nos dormimos temprano. Amanecimos con el cuerpo tieso, pero el yoga ayudo´mucho.

We have the run of this place. We cook our own breakfast, make our own coffee and act like we live here year round. I think all the guests have gone except for a German woman and her daughter.

In some ways it´s beginning to feel like New England here. The weather is changing every five minutes. One minute it´s windy and cold, the next, the sun comes out and it´s hot, then the wind picks up again and it´s cold. So we put on windbreakers and shirts, then take them off, then put them on again. Oh, well, it could be worse. I could be shoveling snow or slipping on ice.
So, I´m not complaining, no me quejo. Pasado mañana regresamos a Cancun por dos noches y el viernes nos vamos para Boston otra vez. Ay, no quiero pensar en el verdadero frio y el mes de febrero que viene y puede ser el mas fuerte de nieve. Hasta ahora no ha nevado, realmente.

Here I am in Holbox on the beach and I´m writing about snow. Who´s in the moment now?

Maybe you are...maybe I should get there, savor the last few days of this trip.

What a trip it´s been.

I don´t want to leave Holbox.

I don´t want to leave Mexico.

I will just BE HERE for every last moment I have.



be here.

Soy Lorena.

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