Sunday, January 28, 2007

Cartwheels on the Beach

¿Volteretas laterales en la playa? Does that make sense in Spanish? When I was a child I used to do ballet, tap and acrobatics and one of my favorite acrobatics was the cartwheel. I could do ten cartwheels in a row and not get dizzy. I can´t remember the last time I did a cartwheel, but I did three today on the beach. I could have done more. El cuerpo se acuerda, it´s body memory, like riding a bicycle. Once you learn to ride, your body never forgets. Es igual con las volteretas laterales. Que divertido. Mañana voy a hacer mas.

Hicimos yoga en frente del mar. La playa solitaria era nuestra. Baile´, hice mis patadas de kung fu. No hubo sol al levantarme, habia muchas nubes, pero no importaba porque me queme´con el sol ayer y aunque no lo pudiera ver detras de las nubes, sabia que alli´estaba mi Sol de todos modos, esperando la oportunidad de mirar a hurtadillas tan pronto que una nube decidiera desvanecer un momento. Y si, paso´. Amanecio´el dia con aire, asi que no habia bichos.

Es increible, aun aqui´el tiempo pasa rapido. Ayer con la puesta del sol, me pregunto´Teo, "Hoy que hicimos?"

"Pues," le dije, "caminamos en la playa, hicimos yoga, comimos, fuimos al centro, nos bañamos, leimos, nos metimos al mar....umm, paso´el tiempo."

"How do I have time to work for six hours at home?" He said.

"I don´t know, it´s different."

"That´s why we´re always rushing."

"And we drive such distances just to go to the bank and the store."

Pense´, My life is going fast. Each amanecer, each anochecer. Throughout most of the trip we did a lot. Now, these last few days, we are doing nothing and the time still flies by. It doesn´t slow down.

I shall end today´s blog with a line from Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett.


Soy Lorena.

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