Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's just another day

It’s just another day, a day like any other day, a day with sunshine, a day with fresh air, a crisp fall day as I awake into it, as I fall into the day and step a little differently than yesterday because part of me wants to see this day as something special…though it’s not special really. I give it all the specialness it has for me. I make the day what it is. The day is nothing but what I give it, but how I choose to perceive it, and so it goes. The day moves along, I do my things, I go here, I go there, I sink into my thoughts and try to rearrange them without much luck. My thoughts still seem to take me on the ride they choose, not necessarily the ride I would prefer, but oh, well, that’s the way it is and I muddle along almost conscious. I manage to do what must be done and stop occasionally to give thanks, to remember my source.

I could just be settling into fear of the future and find myself mumbling, “Oh, my God, oh, my God,” remembering how he would say, “Oh your God,” and I would laugh because he always had a way to make me laugh even when I thought times were rough. It’s good to laugh at ourselves, so that’s what I choose to do this time. You won’t find me mumbling oh, my God, honest, I promise. It is what it is…the day, the sun, me, the air, the breeze that caresses my face. It was a long time ago that this baby was born on this day at 8:30pm and so what! Another baby among millions of babies. What are we doing here? Why are we doing this? Why is this day special?

It isn’t special. It’s just another day, but it is a day I will remember because others remember me on this day, others reach out and touch me and wish me well and I value their touch and their good wishes, and I guess that’s what makes it special.

So I will sip my tea and look out the window at the day that moves and breathes and I will embrace it and cherish it.

Soy Lorena.

(Otro día español)