Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Everything is the same, everything is different

I come and go. I spend time in my second home, my beloved Mexico. It’s the same but it’s not the same. My expectations didn’t come out the way I had thought they would. Everything changed in a way totally unexpected. That’s life…and me? Am I the same or am I different? Well, I’m not the same because I have lived two weeks more, or rather twelve days to be precise, twelve days more of experience, twelve days of seeing the sun, the clouds, the moon and the stars, twelve days more of eating, drinking, sleeping, chatting, thinking, worrying, exercising, getting dressed, getting undressed, bathing, putting on make-up, taking off make-up, cutting my nails, laughing, crying, breathing, practicing yoga, practicing the piano, singing, thinking about the future, thinking about the past, breathing, feeling the beat of my heart, imagining, walking on cobblestone streets, walking on my dry brown grass, noticing the change of the leaves from green to fall colors, feeling the air on my face, feeling the rain on my head, knowing that life is good, or simply knowing that life is and I am part of it, that I am part of everything I see and my question is: (because there is always a question) Where does the tree end and I begin? Or where do I end and where does the tree begin?

Am I the same or am I different?

Ah, I am twelve days older.

That’s life

on this planet

in this moment.

Soy Lorena.

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