Sunday, April 29, 2007

Revisiting Mexico

Es primavera y todo cambia, me entra una energía nueva, limpia, fuerte y estoy con ganas de hacer todo y ahora. And then the urge to travel hits and I begin to realize how much I miss my Tierra del Sol, mi segundo hogar, the place where my heart is at peace. Is it because I find life too easy here and I want the challenge of being where things do not run as smoothly, where people can smoke wherever they damnwellplease, where they can make as much noise as they possibly want and they do, where firecrackers can go off at any hour on any street corner, where church bells ring for no apparent reason and at five o'clock in the morning? YES, YES, a thousand times YES, que sí, que sí, quiero estar allá, luchando contra todo eso porque me jala esa tierra, esa cultura, esa gente tan amable, tan cortés, tan buena y cariñ alguna manera soy parte de eso, parte de aquella tierra, no sé por qué, pero tengo que regresar, mi corazón anhela mi México lindo, no puedo vivir sin ti. Oh, Mexico, you give me something I cannot find here and I don't even know what it is.

So, I have posted my photos from January, Yucatan-Chiapas
on PictureTrail. This link will take you there and then you can listen to a piece of music I wrote and click on "View my photos" and you will find two albums, one of our trip in January. Feel free to post comments, I would like to hear from people, friends and family.

Entonces, le pido al Universo que me lleve otra vez a mi Tierra del Sol, a la tierra de mi Sol, para que me sienta a gusto de nuevo, para que aprenda lo que tengo que aprender, para que me dé lo que tiene que darme, y también para que yo dé lo que tengo que mi esperanza, mi ilusión, mi futuro, mi presente, mi pasado, my here and now and my "always," and don't ask me what that means, and don't even ask me what I'm talking about.

A lo mejor no tiene sentido.

But somebody somewhere understands.

Maybe you--

Maybe me--

¿Quién sabe?

Soy Lorena.

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