After the rain,
after I buy the groceries,
after supper,
after the sun goes down,
after the lights come on,
after we talk about our spiritual growth,
after he tells me I’ve changed—things don’t upset me like before, after we have tea,
after we finish with the computer,
after we go to bed,
after the night air stiffens,
after the house gets quiet,
after I fall asleep,
after I dream about freshly mowed lawns and people I don’t know,
after a new day dawns with frost on the ground,
after I get up to clean,
after I realize how incredibly happy I am,
after I know I am loved,
after I make the soup,
after I pet the cat,
after I polish the candle holders,
after I go down to see the rushing stream,
after I walk the labyrinth,
after I don’t mind the cold,
after I look back at the house and know I am blessed,
after I dig out my ingrown toenail,
after I sit down at the computer,
after I listen,
after I listen,
after I be still…
Soy Lorena.