Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's a Cultural Thing

I’m in a big store like a Kmart. In the electronics section there is an electrical outlet sticking out of the floor, right in the middle of the floor where shoppers pass by with their shopping carts. It’s just there for no apparent reason, sticking up at least three inches. Now the interesting thing about this is that only a Gringo will trip over this electrical outlet. Did I mention we are in Mexico? The Mexican shoppers who pass by will somehow know not to trip on this outlet. They will see it out of the corner of their eye, “de reojo” and go about their way. But a Gringo, ah, a Gringo will not expect any kind of obstruction in the floor and consequently will trip right over it.

It’s a cultural thing. In the United States, we are taught that someone else has the responsibility for our safety and if we fall or trip over something, well, some other person or company is to blame and must pay for our mishap. Consequently, we are less vigilant about where we happen to put our feet when out and about in the world.

In Mexico, culturally speaking, everyone knows that each person is responsible for his/her safety. If you trip over a rock or pipe sticking out of the sidewalk there is no one to blame, no one to pay for your mishap. You are on your own.

Is one way of life better than another? I’m not saying that. It’s just different and only the Gringo will get his foot stuck in a pothole.

I find that very interesting.

Soy Lorena.

(Sorry, no translation today…it’s a cultural thing)

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