Wednesday, November 11, 2009

El Planeta (15) The Planet (15)

--¿Te das cuenta?—dijo la Voz.

--¿Cómo?—respondió Astra, dejando sus pensamientos atrás.

--¿Te das cuenta que lo que ves es espejismo?

--¿Quién habla?—preguntó Astra.

--Soy tu Luz—contestó la Voz. –Soy la Luz que reside dentro de ti.

Astra pensó que no tenía su propia luz, sólo era reflejo del Sol.

--Las apariencias no son la verdad.—siguió la Voz. –Tu Luz es parte de toda la Luz del Universo.

--Pero yo sólo soy una luna conectada a este planeta. Me imagino que hay millones de planetas con sus millones de lunas girando en el Universo.

--Puede ser, pero eso no quiere decir que tú eres menos o que vales poco. Tu luz y la Luz del Universo están conectadas. No hay separación. Mira tu planeta. Es otoño y las hojas se están cayendo. Cada hoja tiene su viaje y cada hoja forma parte del árbol entero. Parece que las hojas se separan del árbol, pero no, porque caen a la tierra y allí empiezan a dar nutrición en las raíces del árbol. ¿Ves? Todo está conectado. En realidad, no hay separación.

Astra no sabía que decir. Nunca había pensado en tales cosas, pero le gustaba y quería escuchar más.


“Do you get it?” said the Voice.

“What?” Astra responded, leaving her thoughts behind.

“Do you realize that what you see is an illusion?”

“Who’s speaking?” Astra asked.

“I am your Light,” answered the Voice. “I am the Light that resides inside of you.”

Astra thought that she didn’t have a light of her own, that she was merely the reflection of the Sun.

“Appearances are not the truth,” the Voice continued. “Your light is part of all the Light of the Universe.”

“But I’m just one moon connected to this planet. I imagine there are millions of planets with their millions of moons spinning in the Universe.”

“Could be, but that doesn’t mean you are less or worth little. Your light and the Light of the Universe are connected. Look at your planet. It is autumn and the leaves are falling. Each leaf has its journey and each leaf forms part of the entire tree. It seems that the leaves are separate from the tree, but they’re not because they fall to the earth and then start to give nutrition back to the roots of the tree. Do you see? It’s all connected. In reality, there is no separation.”

Astra didn’t know what to say. She had never thought about such things, but she liked hearing about them and wanted to hear more.

To be continued.

Soy Lorena.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Una Pausa

Words of wisdom that come into my life. Today we read a card from Don Miguel Ruiz.

"Don't take anything personally. Love and respect yourself. You are never responsible for the actions of others, but you are responsible for you. If someone is not treating you with love and respect, it is a gift if they walk away from you. You may be hurt for a while, but your heart will eventually heal."

I notice he did not say, "Judge the other person or blame the other person for the way they treat you." If I do not feel the love and respect from another person that I know I deserve, then I am free to walk away. I do not need to suffer.

I posted this here today because I saw this idea as very freeing. Whatever someone else does has nothing to do with me. Wow, I can have total peace all the time.

Take a deep breath and smile. :-)

Soy Lorena.