Bueno, no importa realmente, porque las nubes van cambiando cada momento, lo importante tal vez es...uh...este...(aquí hay una pausa larga). LO IMPORTANTE.
Okay, la pregunta es ¿es importante darnos cuenta de las nubes? O ¿es importante ignorarlas? I guess what I'm asking is should we pay attention to the universe in which we live, or should we just go about our daily activities and ignore that which surrounds us everyday? Should we acknowledge our connection to Nature or should we live our lives walking on concrete and driving on asphalt and accept that as our only reality? I'm reading Deepak Chopra again and he's deep. He says the air we breathe in was breathed out by someone in China. And the air we breathe out goes to someone who needs it....like maybe the trees, I think. Oh, my god. Se siente rara esa idea. Entonces, vamos a tomar un paso más. Si el aire que yo respiro antes estaba en la China, eso quiere decir que "yo" estoy conectada a un lugar tan lejos de mi pequeño mundo, o sea, si estoy conectada a la China y la China me necesita para sobrevivir, eso quiere decir que todas las personas en el mundo se necesitan para su supervivencia.
Mi pregunta ahora es: ¿Por qué demonios estamos matándonos en guerras? ¿De qué sirve?
We are all connected and we need each other. If we kill our neighbors we kill ourselves....duh!
Humanity is one big organ of the earth.
I'm thinking about our connection to the trees and plants. They give us oxygen, we take it in and then give off carbon dioxide which the trees then take in and convert back to oxygen. It's perfect! So, where does the tree end and where do I begin? ¿Dónde empiezo yo y dónde termina el árbol?
¿Dónde termino yo? Where do I end? Maybe I end up watching the clouds and letting life happen in me and through me and in you and through you. Maybe it's as simple as that.
When I sat down to write today, I thought I was going to write about how I'm having a hard time getting back to work, getting back to all of the mundane things I have to do. Pero todo cambia....¿no es cierto?
Mirar las nubes. Watch the clouds. I think I'll spend some time watching the clouds today. The taxes can wait. This is more important. I'm saving China.
Soy Lorena.
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