We may think we are "open-minded" but we are trapped by our beliefs, our egos and our experience of our existence on this earth. Chopra gives seven steps to opening our mind. (The following is a direct quote from the book).
1. Know that you are going to identify with your worldview at every stage of personal growth. Debes saber que vas a identificarte con tu visión del mundo en cada etapa de crecimiento personal.
2. Accept that these identifications are temporary. You will never be truly yourself until you reach unity. Acepta que esa identificación es temporal. Nunca serás verdaderamente tú hasta que alcances la unidad.
3. Be willing to change your identity every day. Take a flexible attitude. Don't defend an "I" that you know is just temporary. Debes estar dispuesto a modificar tu identidad cada día. Adopta una actitud flexible. No defiendas un "yo" que sabes que es temporal.
4. Allow your ability to quietly observe without judgment to replace the ingrained ideas you reach for automatically. Permite que tu capacidad para observar en silencio sin juzgar, reemplace las ideas enraizadas a las que acudes automáticamente.
5. When you have an impulse to struggle, use that as an immediate signal to let go. Open a space for a new answer to unfold on its own. Cuando tengas el impulso de luchar por algo, utilízalo como señal inmediata para desprenderte de ello. Abre un espacio para que una nueva respuesta se desarrolle por sí misma.
6. When you can't let go, forgive yourself and move on. Cuando no puedas desprenderte de algo, perdónate a ti mismo y sigue adelante.
7. Use every opportunity to tell yourself that all viewpoints are valid, every experience valuable, every insight a moment of freedom. Aprovecha cada oportunidad para recordar que todos los puntos de vista son válidos, todas la experiencias valiosas y todos los descubrimientos un momento de libertad.
(End of quote)
Whew!! He's deep...I'm wondering how many times I must read these seven steps in order to fully understand them and then put them into practice.
I'm thinking now about what happened yesterday. I had a disappointment in my job and then after dinner I had to attend a rehearsal where I am assistant director and also acting in the play. I didn't want to take my sadness to the rehearsal, so when I got there, somehow I went to a place of silliness and used an energy of having fun instead of expressing the sadness I had come home with. I'm sure to those around me I looked happy, but I think in a way I transformed the sad energy into something light-hearted. Does that fit in with step number five....letting go and allowing a "new answer" to unfold? No sé, pero después no sentí la tristeza como antes y la dejé ir o desprendí de ella.
El crecimiento toma su tiempo, como un roble. It doesn't happen overnight. I must accept my growth as it comes...little by little, step by step.
Life is good.
La Vida es buena.
That's what I think anyway, for what it's worth....in this moment.
Soy Lorena.
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