Pero cuando me desperté y vi todo cubierto de blanco y el sol brillaba, pues, agarré mi camera, me puse mis botas para la nieve y salí. Before it melts, I want to capture this moment before it melts. I want to live every moment to the fullest, I want to be in each moment and let each moment surround me, breathe it in, let it lift me up and take me to wherever it wants to take me because I am part of it, as I am part of you, oh, earth, oh new snowfall. Let me go beyond thinking the snow is just something I have to push around and get it out of my way, let me appreciate this beauty that nature has given me so generously before the temperature rises and it dissapates back into the ground and air. Deja que exprese yo el amor que tengo adentro. It is my attitude that must change, not what happens around me.
So now I shed tears for this beauty, they come naturally, tears, so I may not forget this moment....tears that were once snow from the top of a mountain, tears that were once part of a stream in a faraway place, tears for me and tears for you and tears for the earth. No son lágrmias tristes, son lágrimas de agradecimiento, agradecimiento porque tengo ojos que me dejan ver la belleza que existe aquí, agradecimiento porque tengo dedos que me dejan escribir mis palabras, agradecimiento porque tengo un corazón que me deja sentir el amor que tengo por el Sol, la Luna, las estrellas y todo el Universo.
Les comparto mis lágrimas con ustedes, las personas anónimas que chance lean mis pensamientos.
Here is the beauty I lived this morning. It can be found anywhere, anytime if we just stop to look for it.
Soy Lorena.
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