Vi una casa en la colina (mi casa) y pensé "¿Quién vivirá allá en esa casa morada? ¿Qué clase de gente pintaría su casa morada?" The purple house on the hill, oh my god. Qué misterio. Deben de ser artistas, excéntricos con gustos eclécticos, deben de pasar el tiempo fumando mota, deben de hacer muchas fiestas con gente extraña....deben de....deben de... etcetera ad infinitum.
Pero, mis amigos, que fácil es juzgar sin saber. "He drives a ______car, so he must be____"
He has long hair so he's a hippy. He has a shaved head so he must be a "white supremist skin head." He is black, therefore_________, she is Asian, so she_________. ¿De dónde sacamos estos opiniones estereotípicos? El "otro lado" es el lado desconocido, el lado que no comprendemos, el lado misterioso. So we judge it, we make assumptions, then believe those assumptions and make comments based on those beliefs. It all comes back to the Four Agreements, doesn't it?
So, there I was, standing on the "other side" of the stream, looking back into my world from a different viewpoint, la vista del otro lado, wondering, pensando, "how are things different from this viewpoint?" Nada es como parece...nothing is what it seems. So, making these judgments is really a waste of time.....and so inaccurate.
You have the right to remain silent. if silence were right. You have the right to make a comment, even if your comment is not "right." Funny how silence can be misinterpreted. (Could it be that he/she is angry? Sick? Too busy?) I remember that expression No news is good news. But NO NEWS is NO NEWS. And oh, so easy to judge.
Es bueno conversar, platicar de un asunto, intercambiar puntos de vista, ver la vista del otro lado. See, listen to, feel another's point of view.
What kind of people paint their house purple? People who have been to Mexico and love the way bright colors are used for houses, buildings and doors. People who want to bring a little bit of that Mexican warmth into their cold New England lives, people who can't wait to go back to the land of the sun.
I think I said enough for today.
Ya basta por hoy.
Soy Lorena.
I liked your blog...Estoy de acuerdo...hay que ver las cosas desde distintas perspectivas...
and not make assumptions hacer suposiciones rapidamente....Tal vez tendríamos que mirar todo con "ojos de niño" y admirarnos, aceptar y no juzgar de antemano...Children tend to accept things more naturally....they dont have so many preconceptions and prejudices....muchos adultos sí solemos tener muchas ideas preconcebidas, prejuicios...
Sí, estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices.... I agree....
Escribo desde Sud-América..from a different perspective? from the other side...even though we can agree.....
Related to this (the other hemisphere) I have seen a map drawn the other way, upsidedown ...The Southern hemisphere at the top and North at the bottom....Very different....Muy diferente.... El hemisferio sur en la parte de arriba y el hemisferio norte en la de abajo......It can make us think of many things....nos puede hacer pensar en muchas cosas...
Yes, seeing things from the other side....that's a good exercise I think....un buen ejercio, mirar las cosas desde otra perspectiva...como dices al principio de tu will surely broaden our minds....nos amplia nuestra mente, nuestra visión....
Cuando era niña todo que me pasaba, me pasaba así,no más yo no juzgaba nada...simplemente así era la realidad de mi vida y no vi nada extraño. When did all that change? When did I start judging things and people? I don't know. It's something to think about. Hay que pensarlo. Gracias por tus comentarios. Me gustaron mucho.
Nos estamos en contacto, Yoly.
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