Busqué mi luna esta mañana y al principio no la vi, pero después la vi bajando al oeste, borrosa y escondida detrás de una nube. A los tres minutos ya se había desaparecido. ¿Sé que regresa esta noche o es pura fe? Tengo fe que alguien está leyendo este Blog....pero no estoy segura, entonces no sé de verdad.
I think I am seen, I think someone must be reading this Blog but I don't know for sure. So, what I was thinking about this morning as I was dancing in the labyrinth is how so much of my life is based on faith and my own projections, projecting my future. Por ejemplo:
Me despierto, I wake up with the faith that I will wake up. I have faith that my house will still be around me, that there will be food in the refrigerator, that my clothes will be in the closet, that there will be water for my shower, that I will arrive safe and sound to my classes, that my students and I will converse and laugh and hopefully learn something, que la Tierra seguirá girando, that the Earth will keep on turning and my heart will keep on beating another day, another year, another decade. Ay, mi corazón está lleno de sentimientos que no tienen palabras. Es curioso que con toda esta fe que tengo que tener, no ando con miedo, no me preocupo por estos detalles de mi vida. ¿Cuáles son mis preocupaciones? Es otra historia para otro día.
So, it makes no difference to be afraid or to worry because the Earth just keeps on turning no matter what we think or feel or believe. Some ancient peoples believed that the Universe would not continue if the gods did not have sacrificial blood and so they sacrificed themselves to ensure that the sun would appear and the rain would come and the crops would grow. We have different beliefs and it is the same.......the Earth keeps on turning. Our faith or lack of it changes nothing. Nada cambia y todo cambia.
Soy Lorena
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