¿De qué más hablaríamos? ¿De los problemas del mundo? ¿Del tiempo? ¿De qué creemos que pasará después de la muerte? ¿De la maravilla del internet? ¿De los artilugios innecesarios? ¿De cómo la tecnología nos frusta a veces? ¿De qué tan rápido pasa el tiempo?
¿Quién sabe?
La verdad es que no estás aquí. Entonces, me puse a limpiar las ventanas y mirar las mariposas y las abejas ir de flor a flor haciendo su innato trabajo y el sol brillaba fuerte,
If you were here.
If you were here I would invite you to sit down on the new sofa in the living room. I would turn on my ipod and play music from Senegal and I would ask you what kind of tea you would like, green tea or ginger tea or Darjeeling tea from India. While I prepared the tea you would study the painting we just bought that was painted by our friend and hanging on the brick wall. You would notice that the colors of the wall and the colors in the painting are almost the same as if the painting had been made especially for this room. You would also see different things that I have not seen yet and we would begin to discuss this.
What else would we talk about? The problems of the world? The weather? What we believe will happen after death? The marvels of the internet? Of unnecessary gadgets? How technology sometimes frustrates us? How fast time passes?
Who knows?
The truth is, you are not here. So I cleaned the windows and watched the butterflies and bees go from flower to flower doing their innate work as the sun shone brightly,
Soy Lorena.
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