So it hits me all of a sudden as I am leaving the house this morning and I remember what Ram Dass said about welcoming all feelings, all experience..."come in, sit down, have tea." Of course, I get it now, if I can welcome even my pain, I can understand its place in my life, not fear it, know that I can feel it because I am alive, I am here, I exist. Then I realized that everything is perfect, just like Don Miguel said--"EVERYTHING IS PERFECT" and the tears burst forth because for the first time I could see the beauty in everything and understand that it just IS, there is no judgment, things just ARE, y lloré porque pude ver la belleza en todo el universo, pude ver la perfección en todo, en el nacimiento, en el crecimiento, en la muerte, en el cuerpo cuando va cambiando día tras día, en los ojos de mis seres queridos, en el cielo azul o en el cielo gris, en la luna llena o en la luna escondida, en el sol de la mañana o en el sol al final del día, en todo todo todo.
My trees, my beautiful trees are speaking to me through their silence, through their moving into Spring, through the breeze that caresses their tender leaves and I just need to look for the spaces that exist between the words, find the silence that creates the space I live in, the silence that is rich, the silence that can speak volumes, the silence that takes me to a deeper place, the silence that leads me to understanding and acceptance of everything exactly as it is.
My questions float out into the universe, hang in the atmosphere unanswered until I listen to the silence and let the silence pervade my consciousness, feel what the silence has to tell me, allow it to trickle in, welcome it.
Entonces, el Universo me contesta con silencio, y sí es una respuesta, it is not a non answer, y me toca averiguar qué quiere decir con su silencio, qué me está diciendo y cómo voy a responder.
Soy Lorena.
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