What have I learned today? What have I figured out about myself that I didn't know before?
Fui a dar una vuelta en el bosque con mi ipod escuchando una música de piano que me anima a correr y bailar. Me fijé en los árboles y me di cuenta que no soy como los árboles, porque son fijos, se quedan en un solo lugar mientras yo ando por muchos lados, pero de todas maneras son parte de mí, no puedo vivir sin ellos. Tienen la paciencia de Job, esperan el clima bueno para sacar sus hojas de nuevo. Parecen tranquilos durante los cambios de estaciones, parecen que no hacen nada, simplemente esperan. But things are never what they appear to be. Deep inside the trees are very busy, preparing for summer, digging their roots deeper into the earth, dropping their seeds to create new life or to provide food for birds and squirrels and chipmunks.
Already insects have hatched and are flying around trying to get into my eyes. Back in the house I found two ticks crawling on me, dos garrapatas, qué atrevidas, and suddenly I became afraid of getting Lyme disease and jumped into the shower taking care to scrub every inch of my body.
Getting back to the trees...they are doing what they must, y yo? me? Am I doing what "I must?" What must I do? Well, I know what I want to do, how my creativity takes me to new places, but I cannot wait like the trees. I can't just stand still and let the sun rise and set on me. I must move, I must make things happen because they will not happen by themselves. And so I go along trying to figure out how to bring my creativity to fruition. It's not easy...I'm not alone in this. Like the trees I depend on others to help me keep this alive, to help me drop my "seeds", my "seeds" for food, for teaching, for growing, for learning...and for fun too.
Entonces, ¿cómo le hago? ¿Qué debo hacer para sacar adelante mi creatividad, cumplir con mis proyectos, dispersar mis semillas al universo? A veces el Universo me presenta opciones, a veces no. It's up to me I know, but how many questions must I ask? How many times should I ask the Universe for help...and when the help seems to come, how do I know I should really pursue this? If I do pursue it, how do I make it happen? What is the magic key, word, action?
Son muchas preguntas, yo sé, voy a ponerme a meditar, a estudiar mis lindos árboles, a caminar afuera, a sentir el aire y la tierra bajo mis pies, a ver si me vienen las respuestas, o la respuesta, a los mejor hay sólo una...no sé, pero tengo mucha confianza en el Universo. I trust the Universe completely. It has brought me this far.
I know it will not fail me.
Soy Lorena.
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