Una pausa...un descanso, a nap, a siesta...something??? Please??
Is it possible to actually be tired of having a good time? Tired of fiestas and celebrations, tired of standing on my feet with a glass of wine in my hand, smiling and listening to someone talk about something that I'm not sure I'm interested in, but trying to be pleasant? No, that's not quite right. I really do enjoy talking with people. It's just that I get full quickly...it's like eating, I'm hungry, I eat and then I'm full and I don't want to eat anymore. I guess I get full of "people," there comes a moment when they fill me up and I have to go away and be alone for awhile. I can be alone for long periods of time...tal vez demasiado tiempo, si es que existe "demasiado tiempo." ¿Qué será "demasiado tiempo?" Depende...varia de persona a persona.
Ayer, Pascua, Easter, the last of the celebrations for awhile. Qué divertido tener a la familia, mis hijas y mi nieto aquí. Teo dice que debieran cobrar la entrada, son tan divertidos, nos reímos mucho, nos acordamos de algunos momentos del pasado. Según Lisa, yo andaba todo el tiempo pasando la aspiradora, y que su papá le pagaba un dólar si tragara un huevo crudo, y lo hacía. ¿Dónde estaba yo? le pregunto, no me acuerdo de eso. Es curioso cómo cada persona tiene distinta memoria de los eventos, de su niñez. Seguramente los recuerdos que yo tengo de mi niñez serían diferentes a los que tendrían mis papás de mi niñez.
In years past we would have called my parents, the grandparents of my daughters, on the phone to wish them a Happy Easter. Alex would have spoken to them on the phone. I would hear him say "What? What?" Then each daughter would take the phone send their wishes through the lines long distance. Now all that has changed. They are not there, but the good news is--they were here with us yesterday. I invited them and they came, both of them. I felt them, I saw them above our heads.
Te dejo con este misterio.
I will leave you with this mystery to ponder.
I will only say that "el más allá" no está allá, está aquí.
Our loved ones are right here with us...really.
Soy Lorena.
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