So, this is a correction. The winter solstice, el solsticio del invierno quiere decir que el día, o sea, la luz del día es la más corta, the shortest day, and we experience the longest night or darkness.
Metaphorically speaking, what does it all mean? The shortest day, the longest night? Hibernation. Hibernación. That's what we should be doing, hibernating, like the chipmunks and the bears. Well, I don't mean literally go to sleep for the winter, just slow down if you will, take time to really look at the sky, the earth as it changes, the sun, the moon (Where is she these days?) El cuerpo necesita un descanso también y el frío es buena oportunidad de hacer todo un poquito más tranquilo. No ha nevado todavía, los días han estado preciosos, el clima no tempestuoso para nada........así que hay que disfrutar estos días cortos y estas noches largas porque ahora la Tierra empieza su cambio alargando los días y acortando las noches.
I went out again to see the sun rise and this time the sky was clear and the sun rose in perfect alignment between the two boulders as I stood on the flat rock across the field. Some ancient indigenous peoples knew all about the earth's movements and created this look-out point or healing sacred rock for all I know. It was like looking back into the past and present at the same time. So I uploaded the photo I took just an hour and a half ago. Ah, technology. Para que tuvieran una idea. You get the idea, it was an amazing moment....and right here within walking distance from my house.
My apologies for yesterday's mistake.
Have a great day.
Soy Lorena
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